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Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Addicted To Buying Flowers Or Just Filling In The Spaces

It's Fertilizer Friday and everyone is flaunting their flowers so when ya get
done here be sure to link over to Tootsies place at the bottom and see what she
and everyone else is up to.
My first Alliums are blooming. I'll have to buy more for next year. I wanted to enjoy them in 2 different places so consequently there aren't enough for a nice show.

I know I showed Columbine Clementine Rose before but she has more blooms now
and looks so pretty.
This is the Columbine that sent me into a rage last year when the deer wiped
it out. We beat them this year and got the Liquid Fence put on all of the
flowers. I remembered when I bought this one it had a pink bloom and a blue
bloom. Then later would only bloom one color and I thought surely I was mistaken
- it wouldn't bloom 2 colors. But it does. It was ready to last year and if you
look in the upper right corner there is a blue bloom on it's way.I'm not sure what Columbine this is. It doesn't look like one I've had before - I've
heard they can intermix and change colors. This is very pretty.

Some of the Irises are opened up now and more are on the way.
Miss Kim, my new Lilac, is really loaded for her first year.
A closer shot of Miss Kim, she's a dwarf Lilac and won't get
very big.
Lupines are opening.
Bob's beautiful Peony finally opened - the first one that is. I'll get a picture when
all of the buds open up.
The Phlox aren't doing well this year - only a couple of blooms.
Tradescantia Spiderwort
The little Weigela I started is blooming like crazy. It's only about 6" tall and
look at it go.
This is a dwarf Weigela I've had for years - probably one of the first plants I
bought. The tag disappeared years ago but the other day I saw one and I'm pretty
sure this is called Java Red.
A closer picture of it's beautiful foliage and bloom.
I got new stuff! Went to the Master Gardeners sale but there wasn't anything there
because we had been out of town and I missed the first day which I heard was
great. Lucky for me in the next room over was a swap meet and a lady had these
small Hostas in a crate. Whoopie! Flowers and a neat container. But look at this
little vintage coffee pot. WoW! Isn't that just great. I have a mottled gray
teapot about the same size on a weatherized ladder with flowers so it will go
great with that.

Addicted To Buying Flowers Or Just Filling In The Spaces

I hit a couple more nurseries the other day and I still haven't planted all of
the flowers I bought a while back. The owner of one of my favorite nurseries had
said last year she'd try to find some pink Campanulas but when I was there a
week ago she didn't have any luck. But whenI went back what did I find?
Campanula Cherry Bells. It's a start.
Here was another purple one I didn't have. It wasn't labeled but looks similar
to Campanula Pulla from what I could see in a search.
Here's one I'm not familiar with but looked interesting and the right color. Astrantia
Masterwort Abbey Road
After leaving one nursery I was driving into town and passed another one I had seen
but never been to. The reason I hadn't is because it's in her home and not open
all year. She has many plants that are rare and oddites. This Columbine was
growing everywhere on the place but she didn't have any potted up so she dug one
up for me. It's as tall as my big purple one so they'll look beautiful together.
She said it's an old fashioned one. I love that bright pink.
Another Heuchera, Midnight Rose with pink splotches in the foliage.
And look at this tiny little Hosta. It's smaller than the small one I got the other
day. The leaves are about 4 inches and it's called Blue Mouse.
I've seen this Iris before and just love the light green varigated foliage. Iris
Pallida Albo Variegata.
Another Lungwort, Mrs. Moon.
Lamium Maculatum Chequers.
Veronica Spicata Spiked Speedwell RedFox
Back at the oddity nursery she talked me into a Jack In The Pulpit.
Now I picked up some annuals since I haven't even started on my planters yet. This
one is new and apparently from Australia. So far cute as can be called Ptilotus
Joey Pink Mulla Mulla. It sort of looks like Celosia maybe bigger.
And this . . . oh my goodness . . . the most beautiful Cosmos I've ever seen. It's
open in the middle of each petal. Hmmm how unusual. Oh it's Pied Piper
Heliotrope, 2 different Sweet Potato Vines, Fuchsia, Diascia and one other I can't find the
name of.
And last some purple and pink Petunias.
Well that's it until I hit the nurseries again. Sheesh I have to get what I
already have in the ground before I go. Think of all the great spaces these are
going to fill.