Yesterday was pretty nice so I took a walk around the yard and was absolutely amazed at how much I saw poking up out of the ground. I'm a little concerned that the weather forecast is saying record lows for this time of year coming in a couple of days. What will this do to everything? Guess I'll find out.
The first place I went to check was over to the Helleborus Niger Lenten Rose because other bloggers are showing theirs and I didn't see any sign of mine. I thought I had lost it. I was a little disappointed because for years I haven't liked this flower. It wasn't pretty at all and I often wondered what made me buy it. Must have been a pretty picture on the ticket that is gone since I've had it so many years.
A pretty picture like this. I realized last year it must have gotten prettier with age.
Clementine Rose a pretty light pink Columbine.
Brunnera Jack Frost
I had passed my new bleeding heart and didn't see any sign of life. Then I got to my older one Dicentra Bleeding Heart and saw life there so decided to go back and look at the other one a little closer.
I felt really bad when I didn't see anything because this Dicentra Bleeding Heart Burning Hearts blooms for a really long time and I had just bought it last summer. After getting closer and really looking I spotted some green coming up. Boy was I relieved. This little beauty is suppose to bloom from March to September!
My beautiful red and white Columbine Songbird Cardinal.
English Bluebells that my neighbor gave me.
White Bells from the same neighbor.
Narcissus also from . . . yup Marilyn gave me lots of bulbs.
Paper White Narcissus
The Clematis Jackmanii is showing lots of life.
And this I am really excited about - the beautiful hot pink Naked Ladies I showed a while back blooming in Marilyns yard, well she gave me some of those too. I only see one coming up with a big ole deer print right in front of it. Hope they didn't destroy the rest of them. I'll just hope the others are a little behind showing their pretty faces.
Pink Hardy Geranium
Sedum Autumn Joy
Tradescantia Spiderwort
Sedum Linda Windsor
Siberian Iris
Tall Phlox, are they called Garden Phlox?
Meadow Sage May Night
Pink Hydrangea I put in a pot to keep it that color.
I have another Hydrangea, called Buttons and Bows, and it has new leaves all over it but I just couldn't get a clear picture of them to save my soul. Hope it blooms this summer as it didn't last year. Every pink petal is trimmed in white.
Maybe this year I will get to see this bloom. I've had it for years. It was up back in a raised bed but critters kept chewing it down. I'm surprised it lived . . . but it did but never got to bloom. So fall before last I moved it closer to the house thinking the guilty party might leave it alone. They did and it grew and looked good but still no blooms. Maybe this will be the year. It is a Thalictrum Aquilegifolium and it says it is Columbine like. The leaves look like Columbines but the picture shows the bloom is totally different.
Here's the giant 4 ft. purple Columbine
I thought I lost this one last year in that horrible heat we had. It just disappeared. But it looks like it's coming back. I am REALLY excited about this one. Glomerata Superba Campanula, a tall purple one.
Here's a Yellow Flag that's going to Catherine's house, or maybe her pond? Glad it made it back.
I'm pleased that the blue Lacecap Hydrangeas I started a couple of years ago are looking good.
Sedum Purple Emperor
I found this Abelia Edward Goucher in the greenhouse that I started last year and it looks dead . . . but what is that little purple pinkish ball on it?
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Wednesday, 27 January 2010
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