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Thursday, 4 March 2010

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who faces the greatest truth of all??

Now, I don't often get mad, but today I'm
madder than any poor cow with Mad Cow Disease and I'm devoting this post
entirely to Dung vu Dinh and Love the Flowers. And no, I'm not even going to
give links here because I'm going to tell all my readers how to reach them in a

These two bloggers, who have plenty of ads from
Google on their blogs, have completely taken my blog and stuck it on their own
as though they'd written it and indeed, taken the photos. And what's more ...
every time I post, my entries appear on their blogs within seconds!

Now I want you to know, Dung vu Dinh, or Who
Flung Dung, or whoever you are, that I really hope you enjoy posting this entry!
And for my regular readers, if you care to check out their website, which
masquerades under the name of Digital Photomania,
you will see that their entire blog is my recent entries - word for word and pic
for pic. Well, that's fine, but I sure hope you're going to enjoy this entry
because even these photographs are mine, and if you're looking for pictures,
this selection is just for you!

As for Love the Flowers, check this out, because this little charmer is just for you! Great little guy sitting on a branch ... but he's watching you!! And for my regular readers, you can see what this blog is doing with my work - check out the link and go to the right-hand side bar, and you will see that Love the Flowers certainly loves the Galloping Gardener, because
they've borrowed all my posts again.
In conclusion, I want to say sorry to the very beautiful Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden because they got caught in the middle of this,
but if you want to see my post on this magnificent garden, you can check out the
link and rest assured, I will be re-posting just as soon as I can get this
little blighter off my back. Thanks too for all your messages and ... watch this
space! And yes, I have reported all of this to Blogger!! Below, is the original
post on my recent entry, but I've removed it so you can now enjoy Fairchild
without my whining!!
And by the way all text and photographs
here, belong to me: The Galloping Gardener, so if you're thinking of borrowing
without asking, think again!
PLEASE NOTE FELLOW BLOGGERS!! This link will take you straight to a blog that copies your
entries straight from your own blog with no credits for photographs or editorial
content - I only noticed because they popped up on my followers list! I don't
actually have a problem with them putting up my entries because they all link
back to my blog! But it sure would be nice to get a credit, so... if you're
reading this - Love the Flowers - at least have the courtesy to give all the
bloggers (and I'm not the only one!) you're putting on your blog the credit they
And wait for it ... since posting, they've even posted
this comment on another site!


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