love succulents! I adore their shapes, textures, and colors. I pretty much
love everything about them, but for some reason in my possession most succulents
die - even the resilient ones. Except this kalanchoe, which I've had forever,
but I don't really consider it a succulent since it seems to survive.
It blooms every year for me and is just starting to set bloom now.
I've even done well propagating it. See the plant in the top center in the photo below.This is just one of the many I've propagated from this plant - which are super
easy to propagate anyway.
You'll also notice the jade plant and the Christmas Cactus - yes both still alive. The
jade plant is another succulent I seem to do well with, but the Christmas
Cactus.... well I've only had it a few months so I'm not sure if that counts yet.
I bought this paddle plant (which is a member of the kalanchoe) at
the Rhode Island Flower Show 2 weeks ago. I've wanted one of these plants for a
long time, but was too afraid to buy one for fear I'd kill it too. But, when I
read that it is a member of the kalanchoe family I figured that I'd give it
try. We'll see... I've only had it 2 weeks.
Here is another succulent that is doing OK.... I don't know what kind it is but I'm sure one of
you wonderful bloggers does. I bought it as a tiny plant last summer for a dish
garden.... it's the sole surviving member... *sigh*. Hey maybe it's another
kalanchoe! ..... I think not.....
you wonderful bloggers does. I bought it as a tiny plant last summer for a dish
garden.... it's the sole surviving member... *sigh*. Hey maybe it's another
kalanchoe! ..... I think not.....
Here's are 2 more plants I bought at the flower show.... keeping my fingers crossed with them.
Someone please tell me what they are since they came without tags.
This one I bought about a year ago. Is this a Hen and Chicks? It has looked prettySomeone please tell me what they are since they came without tags.
bad in the past but all of a sudden it seems to have picked up and is growing
babies - this was right after it bloomed! Yup! I'm excited!
I think I'm doing all the right with these succulents. I don't water them
often...... I wait until they are very dry. I transplant using them cactus
potting soil in pots that have drain holes and they are in a west facing
I have the most difficulty growing varieties of sedum, which should be pretty foolproof, but
sedum especially seem to die as soon as they are near me. I've tried planting
them outside, inside, in pots.... I've tried to talking to them.... begging
them to stay alive..... even bribing them.... OK not really but you get the
picture! The only thing I can think of is that I may have a problem with low
light. Most of my yard is partial sun and shady. The only really sunny spots
are reserved for the veggie garden and perennial flower bed. There's not much
direct sun coming through the house and I have no south facing windows - only
sedum especially seem to die as soon as they are near me. I've tried planting
them outside, inside, in pots.... I've tried to talking to them.... begging
them to stay alive..... even bribing them.... OK not really but you get the
picture! The only thing I can think of is that I may have a problem with low
light. Most of my yard is partial sun and shady. The only really sunny spots
are reserved for the veggie garden and perennial flower bed. There's not much
direct sun coming through the house and I have no south facing windows - only
I welcome all and any advice from you succulent experts. Boy can I use it!
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