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Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Fertilizer Friday And Everything's Blooming!

It's Fertilizer Friday so be sure to go over and visit our hostess Tootsie at Tootsie Time and see what's blooming in everyone's gardens after fertilizing religiously every Friday! Sign up to join in on the fun while you're there too.

My first Lupine has opened up - seems to be earlier this year but I'm not sure as I haven't had them that many years to keep track.

I guess I'm lucky to have this Lilac at all since it use to get run over by the lawn mower all the time when it was little. In fact it's still little - go figure!

Another Lilac with beautiful blooms on it.

This showed up here one year and for the longest time we couldn't figure out what it was because it had long green leaves and the plant was weak with leaves laying on the ground and barely bloomed. Then one year it did this. We think it's a white Siberian Iris. Any thoughts from you about if that's what it is or not?

The next plant isn't blooming but a comparison in size with the same plant in a different location. This Sedum Tri Color in my BBQ got missed when I fertlized early in the spring and it's just a nice normal size.

This Sedum Tri Color got fertilized and is huge. I've had this plant for years and have never seen it as big as it is now!

My new East Friesland Meadow Sage - love the bright pink color.

This is another Columbine Clementine Rose blooming in an old 'Hometown Hardware' wheelbarrow I picked up at an estate sale. It was suppose to be to sell at the shop but never made it out of my yard. The Campanula just leaped into a huge mode it seems. Can't wait to see it bloom - hope that's huge mode too.

The Lithodora is crazy with blooms. Actually my whole bank is showing off!

The Armeria is going crazy with blooms.

The Snow In Summer blooming and the Campanula will be next.


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