I ran into town the other day to get a picture of this hedge hoping it would be putting on it’s yearly show – I knew it was pretty close to time. I figured I could swing by Lowes and get some of their potting soil I like, mulch and chicken poo so it wouldn’t be a trip just for the picture. Oh and some more flowers of course.
About 23 years ago we moved into Longview because it was closer to Mr. Bob’s work. Shortly after moving there I saw this hedge blooming. I didn’t have a clue what it was and started asking around town about it. It doesn’t surprise me that I didn’t know because at that time the extent of my flower knowledge was Roses, Rhodies, Tulips, Daffodils and Red Hot Pokers. I only knew the Pokers because my Mother had given me some when I had my new house built.
I’m sure all of you know what this is because you are such great gardeners and really know your stuff! But I thought I’d post a picture of it anyway because I have never seen one anywhere else and maybe someone else hasn’t.
C’mon humor me – I took this picture driving in heavy traffic! Well, it doesn’t take much to be heavy traffic for me as I live in the middle of nowhere by 2 little towns that don’t even have one stop light between them. Actually, I can’t say that anymore because when we were flooding around here this last winter the road down below washed out on one side and I guess they didn’t trust us stopping for each other and stuck a stop light at each end of the washout! So here you are driving for 5 miles on a country road and there are 2 stoplights!
I didn’t get it in full bloom but it’s close enough that I didn’t have to make another trip to town so as not to miss it! It will be the most brilliant, colorful, dark pink color when completely in full bloom.
I know you already knew it was an Azalea hedge. Pretty though isn’t it?While I was at Lowes I got a Heuchera Palace Purple (no surprise there), although I showed you yellow yesterday in my flowers and I’m working on other colors. 2 varigated Fountain Grass with a pretty mauve colored feathery bloom? Red Sensation Rock Cress, Arabis blepharophylla, 2 Hostas Golden Tiara and a Sedum Spurium ‘Fuldaglut’ to add to my growing Sedum collection.I was very happy to see that they have smaller size pots too.
Now look at all of the work I have to do . . .
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