This first flower stretches out and roots along the way with very pretty foliage. I guess it's about 10" tall or maybe a bit more.
A closer shot of the yellow bloom.
This one is small standing about 6" tall with bright pink blooms on it. Hope you can see the leaves good enough. Don't forget to click on the picture to see it larger.
A close up of the last plants blooms.
This looks like what I've seen at the big stores called Self Heal. But when reading about that it says it has a short life and I've had this for years. I guess the blooms are about 8" tall. It could be stunted as things don't grow as big in between these 2 fir trees but they're passible so I keep the little garden there. Any help I can get to let me know what these 3 flowers are would really be appreciated.
A close up of the bloom from plant above.
Now for some cute little bird shots. We've really been getting a lot of different birds lately. Either because my flowers are doing so much better and I keep buying more or the bird feed. Who knows what makes them show up. Below is a Black Headed Grosbeak that just had a bath and his feathers look so funny. I know my birdbath looks horrible but it is chipped and stained from being over 60 years old. In a couple of these shots the water level is low probably because a robin got in and water really disappears - we have to constantly fill all of my bird baths because they bathe so often but this old pan is their favorite.
Another finch getting ready for a bath.
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