We've had to chain the suet to any place we put it now. It kept disappearing when we would hang it before. We tried nailing it and it still would be gone the next day. We're thinking maybe a racoon comes at night and runs off with it. In these pics Mr. Bob chained it to the lattice. Let the little buggers get it now.
This Stellar's Jay was bound and determined to get some suet but it was kind of hard for him to hold on to anything for very long at a time.
Click any of the pictures for a larger view.
There by cracky I think I've almost got settled in long enough to get a nice big bite.\
Sitting on top of it works - gotta hurry though cause the blood's rushing to my head.
Holding head up, blood circulating.
This way isn't working at all . . .
OK be quick!
Let me think about this a bit while I rest - there's gotta be a better way!
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