Some Aubretia blooming over my front bank – not very big as it’s a newer plant
Saxifraga Rosacea given to me by a dear friend in garden club years ago and a Viola behind it
A better shot of the purple Viola
I knew if I looked hard enough I would find a bloom on my Lithodora and only one did I find. Some other plants in this bed are Snow In Summer, 2 different Campanulas, Periwinkle, blue and wine, quite a few different Dianthus and a couple of Armerias.
A Verbascum and a tall Campanula
Sweet William ‘Sooty’
Snow In Summer in the wheelbarrow is all puffed up and getting ready to put on a show. The one I have up higher in the yard in a raised bed is flat. I think maybe it had more snow weighting it down – that or the deer stomped on it. I saw lots of prints and sign that they were in there tromping around.
A wine colored Vinca Minor or Periwinkle
Some Lilies, not sure what they are Asiatic I think.
I normally get so mad at Johnny Jump Ups because they jump everywhere but this is their time to be appreciated because I have very little blooming right now. Normally we pull and pitch.
Same with this Johnny Jump Up - don't even know where it came from.
I think this is a Johnny Jump Up that has landed right in the middle of my Hardy Lobelia. It’s a totally different color from the other 2 that I have. Birds!
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